I don’t know if it’s my business degree with a psychology minor, the fact that I’ve had some amazing people in my life, or the proliferation of Sheridipity and wanting to share this good with others, either way I feel we all should give back. So, I find it interesting when I talk to other business people and it’s not even part of their vision or vocabulary. If a business truly cares about its employees, clients, and the community shouldn’t giving back be common practice?
When did we become of society of money? When did helping others need to always come with a price tag? Now don’t get me wrong, I think everyone has value and should be paid their worth! In fact, that is why we have occupations, businesses, and income sources. The real question is: does everything we do for others have to be paid? Are there certain things we can do to contribute to our clients, employees, and society that doesn’t need to come with a price tag?
I could list out all the altruistic reasons to give but for those who might have a bit of a “survival trait”, I remind you of the quote “you’ve got to give to get”. Giving will open doors, create opportunities, and provide connections that often end up leaving you and your business much better off. Think of the referrals, the employee engagement, the “goodwill”/reputational benefit for being an organization that truly cares and gives back to others.
The key is you can’t fake this! A “poser” can be spotted a mile away. If you really don’t care about others or think it’s a waste of time, then giving back usually can't be sustained or implemented in an appropriate way. If you get caught “pretending” to care about your clients, that can have a pretty quick and detrimental affect to you and your business permanently. I’ve seen many a group, organization, or professional fall in a matter of days or months because they got caught trying to “appear” like they cared.
When you care and want to do good for others, you’d be surprise how many will turn around and want to help back. Then a neat thing happens. Now the two of you are doing good and that extends out to two others and eventually you have an exponential growth pattern of many people helping many others. There shouldn’t be a price tag on helping others and I can guarantee your Return on Investment (ROI) will far exceed the effort or resources required. The concept is easy – take care of your clients/employees/others and your clients/employees/others will take care of you!
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