Valuable Business & Life Lesson #538
I have a rule in business & life: if I ask twice whether to do something, I already know the answer. I have enough faith and understanding in myself (as well as the ability to research and make educated decisions) that by the time I need to make a decision, if I keep asking repeatedly "should I do/don't do this", I already know the answer. It is the opposite of what I keep asking. My personal rule is, if I've asked twice, don't do it!
For some reason, I didn't follow my gut on this situation. I owned the "Social Vs Social" domains. It was part of an initiative where I wanted to create a podcast/video series arguing the benefits of social marketing (handshakes & kissing babies) VS social marketing (digital marketing & social media). I didn't do anything with the domains for over 2 years so I decided to cancel them. However, I need to note here, I really didn't want to and questioned the idea for about a month. Even the sales rep recommended selling it instead of cancelling but that seemed like a lot of effort/admin. LESSON LEARNED!
Now to get my same domain back will cost me over $3,000!
I have a batch of other domains on hold and in waiting - Helpers Canada, Real Life Assistant(s), etc. all of which are extensions of my existing businesses and the initiatives I am pursuing. Going forward, I now know I will be keeping these regardless whether the initiatives take off or not. Who would have thought my business ideas and client focused solutions would provide this additional source of income & money in my pocket. Most importantly, there's no dispute I won't be second guessing my gut instinct going forward as well! To run a business successfully, you have to tap into your intuition and there really isn't any room for indecisiveness. :D
About the Author
My experience, education and certifications provide a unique skillset to address the business and life challenges of owners, executives and employees:
- Certified Financial Planner ® (CFP ®)
- Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist (CFDS)
- Certified Executor Advisor (CEA ®)
- Wilfrid Laurier University - Hons BBA with a Minor in Psychology
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