Blog from ASC4Business

This is my year for ACTion (Advice, Connections, Training) & stepping up my game!

Year end is a double whammy review time for me! Not only is it New Years but I also celebrate my birthday. The last week of December (& often well before) is a time of self-reflection, assessment, & planning what I loved, liked, & need to do differently from this year while looking forward into the next.

Doing my assessment of this year, I was blown away by how much I actually accomplished over the last 12 months. You know what I mean by this - you know you did a few things, but there were so much more you wanted to do. Reflection is a great way to take stock of how many accomplishments made it to the TO DONE list. If there are things I did really well last year was rock my business, rock my connections, & especially this year, returned to rocking my training workshops!

Then… (here comes the plot twist 😉 )

As I looked month-by-month, I started to see a few things that didn’t make the TO DONEs from the pages of my calendar. The infamous “cross outs”. I love being organized so when I see a cross out, well that just makes my calendar messy, & if a calendar is messy, maybe that means something in my life might be a titch messy too.

My "command post" is right in my living room (this is where I organize & coordinate the logistics of my little empire: both businesses, Channel Your Inner Redhead, plus the multiple associations I collaborate with). One thing right at the very top is my Daily TO DOs: WALK YOGA READ Underneath, you find all the business-y stuff: advisory sessions, workshops & presentations, speaking gigs, my book, social media strategy, but that top left-hand corner is all about Me, for Me, a better Me.

… and all those cross outs in the calendar? For Me, about Me, the better Me! 

I don’t worry because as a project manager, I pretty much can fix any problem, anyway, for anyone. However, I don’t want a better ME to be a project. I want it to be a sustainable, consistent part of my lifestyle. If I try to lead by example, I really wasn’t setting a good one!

Since I already decided that this year will be the Year of ACTion for business owners & Careplanners, this week's reflection was a great reminder that I needed to act on a few things of my own. My personal ACTion Plan is to “help others achieve their goals personally, professionally, & financially”, so now I’m adding – “and healthily”! Most of the successes in my life are because of my sheer determination & effort to keep stepping forward. My goal next year is to put my best foot forward & walk the path, leading the way for others, to be the best version of ourselves for this year!

Join me in this year to make it your best ACTion adventure yet! 😉

About the Author

Sheri Copplestone

Sheri Copplestone

My experience, education and certifications provide a unique skillset to address the business and life challenges of owners, executives and employees:

  • Certified Financial Planner ® (CFP ®)
  • Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist (CFDS)
  • Certified Executor Advisor (CEA ®)
  • Wilfrid Laurier University - Hons BBA with a Minor in Psychology


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