Blog from ASC4Business

Happy Anniversary! (to all our success partners)

As google kindly reminded me today, 3 yeas ago, I registered 3 businesses:

~ ASC4Business

~ ASC4Careplanners

~ ASC4Learning

Pronounced  "ASK", my focus was to provide education, coordination, and advisory services to entrepreneurs in a way that helped them personally,  professionally, and financially.

3  years later, I am still going strong! It was a big risk to take and there has been a lot of adventures along the way (all great chapters to  the overall story). One thing I am certain about, I couldn't have done it without the support of my friends, family, clients, and collaborative partners. I teach that our networks are the most important thing in life and business. It is the strength and quality of the individuals in our networks that help contribute to our success.

Today is the 3rd anniversary of ASC4Business and also my 23rd + S&H year as an entrepreneur. Thank you to all who have played a roll in this success no matter how large or small you think your contribution may have been.

I thank you & I appreciate your value as part of my network!

#BusinessAsks #entrepreneuriallife #success #wereallinthistogether

About the Author

Sheri Copplestone

Sheri Copplestone

My experience, education and certifications provide a unique skillset to address the business and life challenges of owners, executives and employees:

  • Certified Financial Planner ® (CFP ®)
  • Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist (CFDS)
  • Certified Executor Advisor (CEA ®)
  • Wilfrid Laurier University - Hons BBA with a Minor in Psychology


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